... What does it all MEAN?!??!??????
(Occurred in a Chatroom)
Him: There is a mystery hidden in your eyes.
Me: oh really?
Him: yeah right down to the color. where does your spirit take you?
Me: what do you mean? religiously?
Him: First thing that comes to mind.
Me: Love. The presence of Love.
Him: Are you in pursuit or education?
Me: Meaning have I found the love of which I speak? Yes I have...
Him: You have?
Me: Yes.
Him: And where does that love guide you?
Me: To other wounded hearts.
Him: Hence why we are talking. you possess a blessing, do you not?
Me: I posses the Love of Jesus... which enables me to occiasionally comfort others. I do not possess the power to bless others...
Him: yes but your blessing of comfort comase at an expense, correct?
Me: Not in the slightest.
Him: no pain, no fear?
Me: Occaisionally. But I am eventually left with a feeling of peace in knowing that I've spared someone else from feeling those emotions That the healing grace of God has used me as a conduit to draw pained souls closer to Him.
Him: A strong one I see. Do you hear his voice or have visions?
Me: Not in the New Age sense, no. It's more like I think myself into realizations, or find passages in the bible that speak to me and aid my journey. Sometimes thoughts and words will come to me, and I didn't know I had such insight on a subject.
Him: yes, the knowledge piece is what i was refering to. soon you will also have the voice louder than you do now. ever thought you had a spirit walking close by?
Me: As in the Holy Spirit? Most definitely. Almost every day.
Him: no no, another spirit. see any shadows. ghosts if you will?
Me: No…
Him: hmm, maybe i have the wrong person. i'm sorry to bother you. :)
Me: Who did you think I was?
Him: I’m currently on a journey gathering like souls. (*NOT Gonna lie, I thought he was a demon at this point… LOL… so irrational)
Me: To what purpose?
Him: what thought just hit your brain?
Me: A cult, or something worse, to be honest.
Him: Oh no, heavens no. lol. I’m a Christian. we are speakers of god like yourself. and we don't get into a compound i'm christian lol
Me: And the ghost aspect?
Him: but there are folks who are able to see visions it's a guardian spirit or some call their guardian angel some are actually able to see it and some speak with it
Me: but it's not the Holy Spirit?
Him: no, the Holy Spirit is your soul for you are God but we can not understand God without a guardian the Holy Spirit protects our soul from our flesh. the guardian spirit gives us the words of our call
Me: I'm not sure how that correlates to Christianity, exactly.
Him: it is nothing different
Me: Then you are saying that the spirit is to protect our humanly bodies from the holy embodiment of the presence of God within our souls?
Him: no the Holy Spirit is what protects you from the sin of the flesh. God is not sin. God is the Holy Spirit
Me: I know, I was meaning what in the flesh needs protecting?
Him: sorry, did i misword it?
Me: I believe so... but maybe not.
Him: hehe it's ok, i have the wrong individual. my apologies. :)
Me: Well... then... Good luck? Although I'm not sure "collecting souls" has a very positive connotation, for future reference...
Him: hehe, it's not collecting. it's gathering, connecting, communicating, and learning we each have our own task and have information that assists the other in theirs
Me: and do you have a name?
Him: Joshua
Me: Sorry, I meant your group.
Him: no, it is not a group .there are no meetings . it's not like waco or the freemasonry
Me: I see.
Him: i'm told to talk to folks down my path
Me: and you thought I was one.
Him: we shed light on the others and we continue on. i did. you have a very strong look in your eye
Me: Well, sorry to... disappoint? lol
Him: one that holds pain during her trials. lolol, no no, no disappoint at all
Me: Hold pain during my trials?
Him: yes, the task of comfort is not easy on the heart.
Me: Not always, but neither is it a burdern.
Him: no no, truly a blessing
Me: Well thank you.
Him: and thank you for sharing your beauty with me. God Bless!
Me: May He bless you as well.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
January in Review!
Happy February!! I (still) can't believe it's 2009. Two thousand and nine. tew-oh-oh-nyne. That's some crazy shit. January was a big month for me... let's review some of the things I learned/that happened to me, shall we?
1) Started a new semester of college... my 4th. Meaning in 4-ish months, I'm halfway done with college. That's also some crazy shit.
2) Spent more money than should be legally allowed for anyone.
3) Made 1300 bones.
4) Calculated that the gov'mint owes me back 1300 on my tax refund... suck it.
5) Missed my family and realized that my baby brother really is growing up... Quickly, it would seem.
6) Dropped my first college class. :)
7) Got really annoyed with the UT website... again.
8) Worked out a lot.
9) Heard a sermon about sex... it was AWESOME.
10) Bought (and used) wrinkle cream... sad day (s).
11) Started a cleanse... as in what those crazy-ass Hollywood people are doing. AKA I sold out to the man... and I don't really care :)
12) Took another acting workshop. And improved.
13) Saw some really really really good films.
14) Saw The House Bunny again. Twice.
15) Realized some really important stuff about life and people. (Apparently in February I'm going to be cryptic and vague...)
16) Fell further in love with Jason Mraz (SQUEEEEEEE)
17) Watched some pretty pimp American Idol episodes.
18) Played Alice Greenfingers... the best dumb game EVER!
19) Made new friends.
20) Saw old friends.
So yeah. And now, my friend suggested I start posting a monthly Random-Facts-About Me- section... so here's the first, February 1st... how apropo!
1) I am a chapstick ADDICT. I don't mean I enjoy the occasional application here and there, I mean if I don't have it, you WILL know, and I will start to freak out. I've asked random people in classes to use their chapstick before... usually people say no, but it's always worth a shot.
2) because of #1, I have some of the softest lips around ;)
3) I love love love anything to do with languages or accents. I love inventing new accents and trying to do the ones I can't. So far in my repetoire, I have an invented indian/mexican/islander accent, british, australian (it's getting good!!!!) and many american accents (brooklyn, mississippi, minnesota, etc.). and kind of irish. and kind of russian. and kind of french, although I would rather just speak french... lol. It is my dream to be able to slip effortlessly into any accent requested of me... I can get pretty close on a lot of them... I also love voices.. I accidently do them always and as a result, probably don't make friends as easily as i should be able to... lol
4) Books are my best friends in the whole world. I absolutely love reading with all my soul, and can't get enough!! And I love re-reading (which I thought everyone did) because you gain SO much more from the book with each successive reading. I wish I could dedicate my life to only reading books. I also plan on having an amazing library in my house... with a rolling ladder... on which I will sing... :)
5) Sushi is my favorite food and it IS foodgasmic.
6) I have dimples. big ones. and I don't mind if you tell me they're cute, huge, or ugly, but for the LOVE, don't EVER say, "You have dimples." No @%!@, Sherlock! I have had them my WHOLE life, and know they are there. Especially since people like you tell me I have them every day. Also, dimples are a dominant gene, therefore my children will have dimples (MUAHAHAHAHA).
7) I have a bunch of friends who are on the brink of fame. Which is weird.
8) one of the things I hate most in the world is seeing people waste their gifts and talents.
9) I'm extremely tired of all the world-wide drama of people trying to find girlfriends/boyfriends and get married. Ugh. Just chill out.
10) I've been having such frequent deja vue recently that I seriously think that some of the people in my life have been trained in the Native American art of Dream Walking and are secretly planting visions in my mind...
11) Speaking of dreams, I have THE weirdest dreams when I'm half awake/half asleep... you know, that period of time when you find the exact right sleeping position and are starting to drift off, but you still hear the clock ticking and the AC running...? Yeah... just ask Kendall. I bust out laughing when I'm asleep and then explain how there was a little boy in a sandbox... how is that hilarious???
12) I am NOT a morning person. If I'm not awake "enough" I will seriously HURT you. I think i need pajamas with a big disclaimer: "Do not talk to me if you can't see more than 45% of the whites of my eyes"
13) I usually hear absolutely everything while I'm asleep. (there are a lot of numbers about my sleep habitss...) Sometimes I wake up and remember a noise, but have no clue what it was, which, as you can probably imagine is sometimes creepy...
14) I love watching scary movies, but absolutely can not when i'm alone. It can be someone who is more afraid than I am, or someone who isn't afraid at all, but it can't be someone who makes fun of the movies... I LOVE being afraid. But only in movies. I would kinda rather die than be afraid in real life. And I'm completely serious.
15) #14 is probably why I should never live alone.
16) The scariest story I heard as a kid, and that still haunts me today, is this: A young woman lived by herself in a cabin. She would often become afraid by the sounds of the wilderness at night, but she had a loving and protective dog. The dog would sleep beside her bed, and when the woman was afraid, she would stick her hand over the edge of the bed, and the dog would lick it to comfort her. One night, she heard a lot of strange noises, and was frightened, but the dog licked her hand and she fell back asleep. In the morning she awoke to find her dog hanging, dead, from the ceiling and a note written in his blood on the dresser mirror: "Humans can lick too".
17) I'm probably going to have nightmares tonight because of thinking about #16. Also (seriously) why I can never have a part of me hanging over a bed. I'm honestly afraid someone will lick it... which i'm pretty sure makes me crazy.
18) I love cooking and baking and I would honestly love to have people over for dinner everyday. But I'm poor.
19) I truly truly love people and would like to bask in the glow of friendship forever... Also I love listening to people, lifting them up, and helping them solve their problems. No lie.
20) I don't like beer. Honestly, beer tastes to me the way urine smells. Like how lemon jolly ranchers taste the way pinesol smells. I'm not going to drink pinesol, and I'm not going to drink beer. kthanksbye.
21) Music is basically the effervescent, ethereal material (ha) that my soul is made of. I can easily cry due to the beauty of a melody or harmony. That being said, I hate a lot of modern-day music. I also love cheesy songs... It's hard to explain my criteria. But I dislike 94% of country, because the twang and predictable melodies make it hard to hear the soul of the songs. For some reason, male country singers annoy me more than female country singers... maybe because I want my men to sound like Frank Sinatra, Josh Groban, and Michael Buble, and not say "ya'll"...
22) Chips and Salsa (and/or queso) is the way to my heart.
23) I am probably the most indefatigably, excruciatingly optimistic person... ever. :D
24) I really have no problem telling people I love them. And I always mean it. With all my heart. Talk to me if you ever want to hear my theories on love... lol. (I'm serious... I have theories on love...)
25) I would rather do a thousand things than sleep, but heaven help us all if I don't get enough for more than three days in a row... ... ...
1) Started a new semester of college... my 4th. Meaning in 4-ish months, I'm halfway done with college. That's also some crazy shit.
2) Spent more money than should be legally allowed for anyone.
3) Made 1300 bones.
4) Calculated that the gov'mint owes me back 1300 on my tax refund... suck it.
5) Missed my family and realized that my baby brother really is growing up... Quickly, it would seem.
6) Dropped my first college class. :)
7) Got really annoyed with the UT website... again.
8) Worked out a lot.
9) Heard a sermon about sex... it was AWESOME.
10) Bought (and used) wrinkle cream... sad day (s).
11) Started a cleanse... as in what those crazy-ass Hollywood people are doing. AKA I sold out to the man... and I don't really care :)
12) Took another acting workshop. And improved.
13) Saw some really really really good films.
14) Saw The House Bunny again. Twice.
15) Realized some really important stuff about life and people. (Apparently in February I'm going to be cryptic and vague...)
16) Fell further in love with Jason Mraz (SQUEEEEEEE)
17) Watched some pretty pimp American Idol episodes.
18) Played Alice Greenfingers... the best dumb game EVER!
19) Made new friends.
20) Saw old friends.
So yeah. And now, my friend suggested I start posting a monthly Random-Facts-About Me- section... so here's the first, February 1st... how apropo!
25 Random Things About ME
1) I am a chapstick ADDICT. I don't mean I enjoy the occasional application here and there, I mean if I don't have it, you WILL know, and I will start to freak out. I've asked random people in classes to use their chapstick before... usually people say no, but it's always worth a shot.
2) because of #1, I have some of the softest lips around ;)
3) I love love love anything to do with languages or accents. I love inventing new accents and trying to do the ones I can't. So far in my repetoire, I have an invented indian/mexican/islander accent, british, australian (it's getting good!!!!) and many american accents (brooklyn, mississippi, minnesota, etc.). and kind of irish. and kind of russian. and kind of french, although I would rather just speak french... lol. It is my dream to be able to slip effortlessly into any accent requested of me... I can get pretty close on a lot of them... I also love voices.. I accidently do them always and as a result, probably don't make friends as easily as i should be able to... lol
4) Books are my best friends in the whole world. I absolutely love reading with all my soul, and can't get enough!! And I love re-reading (which I thought everyone did) because you gain SO much more from the book with each successive reading. I wish I could dedicate my life to only reading books. I also plan on having an amazing library in my house... with a rolling ladder... on which I will sing... :)
5) Sushi is my favorite food and it IS foodgasmic.
6) I have dimples. big ones. and I don't mind if you tell me they're cute, huge, or ugly, but for the LOVE, don't EVER say, "You have dimples." No @%!@, Sherlock! I have had them my WHOLE life, and know they are there. Especially since people like you tell me I have them every day. Also, dimples are a dominant gene, therefore my children will have dimples (MUAHAHAHAHA).
7) I have a bunch of friends who are on the brink of fame. Which is weird.
8) one of the things I hate most in the world is seeing people waste their gifts and talents.
9) I'm extremely tired of all the world-wide drama of people trying to find girlfriends/boyfriends and get married. Ugh. Just chill out.
10) I've been having such frequent deja vue recently that I seriously think that some of the people in my life have been trained in the Native American art of Dream Walking and are secretly planting visions in my mind...
11) Speaking of dreams, I have THE weirdest dreams when I'm half awake/half asleep... you know, that period of time when you find the exact right sleeping position and are starting to drift off, but you still hear the clock ticking and the AC running...? Yeah... just ask Kendall. I bust out laughing when I'm asleep and then explain how there was a little boy in a sandbox... how is that hilarious???
12) I am NOT a morning person. If I'm not awake "enough" I will seriously HURT you. I think i need pajamas with a big disclaimer: "Do not talk to me if you can't see more than 45% of the whites of my eyes"
13) I usually hear absolutely everything while I'm asleep. (there are a lot of numbers about my sleep habitss...) Sometimes I wake up and remember a noise, but have no clue what it was, which, as you can probably imagine is sometimes creepy...
14) I love watching scary movies, but absolutely can not when i'm alone. It can be someone who is more afraid than I am, or someone who isn't afraid at all, but it can't be someone who makes fun of the movies... I LOVE being afraid. But only in movies. I would kinda rather die than be afraid in real life. And I'm completely serious.
15) #14 is probably why I should never live alone.
16) The scariest story I heard as a kid, and that still haunts me today, is this: A young woman lived by herself in a cabin. She would often become afraid by the sounds of the wilderness at night, but she had a loving and protective dog. The dog would sleep beside her bed, and when the woman was afraid, she would stick her hand over the edge of the bed, and the dog would lick it to comfort her. One night, she heard a lot of strange noises, and was frightened, but the dog licked her hand and she fell back asleep. In the morning she awoke to find her dog hanging, dead, from the ceiling and a note written in his blood on the dresser mirror: "Humans can lick too".
17) I'm probably going to have nightmares tonight because of thinking about #16. Also (seriously) why I can never have a part of me hanging over a bed. I'm honestly afraid someone will lick it... which i'm pretty sure makes me crazy.
18) I love cooking and baking and I would honestly love to have people over for dinner everyday. But I'm poor.
19) I truly truly love people and would like to bask in the glow of friendship forever... Also I love listening to people, lifting them up, and helping them solve their problems. No lie.
20) I don't like beer. Honestly, beer tastes to me the way urine smells. Like how lemon jolly ranchers taste the way pinesol smells. I'm not going to drink pinesol, and I'm not going to drink beer. kthanksbye.
21) Music is basically the effervescent, ethereal material (ha) that my soul is made of. I can easily cry due to the beauty of a melody or harmony. That being said, I hate a lot of modern-day music. I also love cheesy songs... It's hard to explain my criteria. But I dislike 94% of country, because the twang and predictable melodies make it hard to hear the soul of the songs. For some reason, male country singers annoy me more than female country singers... maybe because I want my men to sound like Frank Sinatra, Josh Groban, and Michael Buble, and not say "ya'll"...
22) Chips and Salsa (and/or queso) is the way to my heart.
23) I am probably the most indefatigably, excruciatingly optimistic person... ever. :D
24) I really have no problem telling people I love them. And I always mean it. With all my heart. Talk to me if you ever want to hear my theories on love... lol. (I'm serious... I have theories on love...)
25) I would rather do a thousand things than sleep, but heaven help us all if I don't get enough for more than three days in a row... ... ...
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