Monday, February 16, 2009

A Very Interesting Conversation...

... What does it all MEAN?!??!??????

(Occurred in a Chatroom)
Him: There is a mystery hidden in your eyes.
Me: oh really?
Him: yeah right down to the color. where does your spirit take you?
Me: what do you mean? religiously?
Him: First thing that comes to mind.
Me: Love. The presence of Love.
Him: Are you in pursuit or education?
Me: Meaning have I found the love of which I speak? Yes I have...
Him: You have?
Me: Yes.
Him: And where does that love guide you?
Me: To other wounded hearts.
Him: Hence why we are talking. you possess a blessing, do you not?
Me: I posses the Love of Jesus... which enables me to occiasionally comfort others. I do not possess the power to bless others...
Him: yes but your blessing of comfort comase at an expense, correct?
Me: Not in the slightest.
Him: no pain, no fear?
Me: Occaisionally. But I am eventually left with a feeling of peace in knowing that I've spared someone else from feeling those emotions That the healing grace of God has used me as a conduit to draw pained souls closer to Him.
Him: A strong one I see. Do you hear his voice or have visions?
Me: Not in the New Age sense, no. It's more like I think myself into realizations, or find passages in the bible that speak to me and aid my journey. Sometimes thoughts and words will come to me, and I didn't know I had such insight on a subject.
Him: yes, the knowledge piece is what i was refering to. soon you will also have the voice louder than you do now. ever thought you had a spirit walking close by?
Me: As in the Holy Spirit? Most definitely. Almost every day.
Him: no no, another spirit. see any shadows. ghosts if you will?
Me: No…
Him: hmm, maybe i have the wrong person. i'm sorry to bother you. :)
Me: Who did you think I was?
Him: I’m currently on a journey gathering like souls. (*NOT Gonna lie, I thought he was a demon at this point… LOL… so irrational)
Me: To what purpose?
Him: what thought just hit your brain?
Me: A cult, or something worse, to be honest.
Him: Oh no, heavens no. lol. I’m a Christian. we are speakers of god like yourself. and we don't get into a compound i'm christian lol
Me: And the ghost aspect?
Him: but there are folks who are able to see visions it's a guardian spirit or some call their guardian angel some are actually able to see it and some speak with it
Me: but it's not the Holy Spirit?
Him: no, the Holy Spirit is your soul for you are God but we can not understand God without a guardian the Holy Spirit protects our soul from our flesh. the guardian spirit gives us the words of our call
Me: I'm not sure how that correlates to Christianity, exactly.
Him: it is nothing different
Me: Then you are saying that the spirit is to protect our humanly bodies from the holy embodiment of the presence of God within our souls?
Him: no the Holy Spirit is what protects you from the sin of the flesh. God is not sin. God is the Holy Spirit
Me: I know, I was meaning what in the flesh needs protecting?
Him: sorry, did i misword it?
Me: I believe so... but maybe not.
Him: hehe it's ok, i have the wrong individual. my apologies. :)
Me: Well... then... Good luck? Although I'm not sure "collecting souls" has a very positive connotation, for future reference...
Him: hehe, it's not collecting. it's gathering, connecting, communicating, and learning we each have our own task and have information that assists the other in theirs
Me: and do you have a name?
Him: Joshua
Me: Sorry, I meant your group.
Him: no, it is not a group .there are no meetings . it's not like waco or the freemasonry
Me: I see.
Him: i'm told to talk to folks down my path
Me: and you thought I was one.
Him: we shed light on the others and we continue on. i did. you have a very strong look in your eye
Me: Well, sorry to... disappoint? lol
Him: one that holds pain during her trials. lolol, no no, no disappoint at all
Me: Hold pain during my trials?
Him: yes, the task of comfort is not easy on the heart.
Me: Not always, but neither is it a burdern.
Him: no no, truly a blessing
Me: Well thank you.
Him: and thank you for sharing your beauty with me. God Bless!
Me: May He bless you as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummmm, what?