Monday, March 9, 2009

Because Time is of the Essence.

First of all: Eff you, Daylight Savings Time.

Now that that's taken care of, I would like to inform everyone that the Spring restlessness set in today. I can't believe I am sitting here, studying biology. That I will read for government and do french homework. Is this my life??? ("Is this real life?? Is this forever? AHHHHH!" )

UPDATE: I'm in Government class now. And I'm just as restless, just as angry. Although happier now that bio is over with and my french examen orale is done. I can't believe I'm already to this point in early March. I usually don't get like this until April. But I do become this irrational, restless energy-machine at least once a year. Usually in spring. I just start to panic that I'm not doing anything. I don't mean as in I sit around and watch TV all day. Au contraire, mon frere. I mean I'm not making a difference, I'm not making a recognizable or effective contribution to life. I'm not DOING anything. Just a little tiny nobody in a school in a city in a state in a country in a continent in a world in a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in infinity. I am nothing. And yet, I am something.

Do you know what I'm not? A good student. I'm not able to concentrate. I'm not good at sitting still. At doing NOTHING.

So if I call you, begging you to do something with me, or just talk to me, or listen to some silly idea or half-assed attempt at a plan... just listen and smile and assure me that I'm not wasting my life away by living simply. KThanksBye.

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