Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Because History? Is so Passé.

The following took place via text message in the middle of my biology class. Because apparently I'm not going to listen to any of my professors today. In any case; enjoy and revel in the nerdiness.

Me: Class is dumb. The End.
Rebekah: I agree. The End.
Me: My body hurts. The Middle.
Rebekah: My presentation is soon. The Beginning.
Me: That's awesome you can almost be relieved. The Prequel.
Rebekah: I love you. The Sequel.
Me: I love you too and we're awesome. The Trilogy.
Rebekah: I know haha. Have a lovely day. The Epilogue.
Me: Until we meet again. The Cliffhanger.
Rebekah: Hahahaha good one. The preface.
Me: Thank you. The Dedication.
Rebekah: "You're welcome," she said. The References.

What would I do without my friends???

In other recent news, I just found out this morning that a short film I had the blessing to be a part of has been nominated for a 2009 Remi Award at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival. We don't know yet how our other film has fared, as the director told us nominations are still being made. In any case, I am so, so, so proud, ecstatic... speechless... I think I needed this little push to assure me that I am doing what God wants me to do and that even in my younger years, I had the gifts and resources to be recognized by the industry. If even in a small way. :) I'm so so so so soooooooooooooooooooo excited. I don't really know why. I just am. :)This could not have come at a better time. I'm sorry this post isn't entirely witty or sardonic or even delightfully melancholy. But I'm verklempt!

I'd like to thank the Academy...

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