Monday, August 4, 2008

Carpe Quesadilla Maker

OHwa. MYee. GAWD. (Chandler Bing! hahahahaha)

This weekend was CRASY! And no, actually, I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet, because Kendall and I were to busy buying EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY ITEM WE COULD EVER NEED for da 'partment. And it was fuuuuuun. And we didn't even get that ridiculous with our purchases and guess what? Our apartment is going to be beautiful! I will so totally love it there and will NOT be creatively stifled, as per the dorm room (box of death). Mayhaps I will accomplish one of my goals of completing and selling a script this year... that'd be greeeeeeat. Altso, maybe it will be better for me to study in. Plusssss: KITCHEN!!! I can not even begin to address how friggin' excited I am for the kitch!!! AHHHHHHHHH and the biggest plus of apartment life? Drumroll, please...


If you live in Austin, or can make the trek, you can request to visit us and we may or may not throw you a dinner party.

I think that this year, I'm always going to be in the best mood imaginable. :D :D

1 comment:

Miss Stiletto said...

I'm excited for your kitchen too, and your Kendall :)
I hope I too can escape the box of death, my friend Jess and I are looking as we speak. OHWOW would it be great to not shell out fifteen hundred flippin dollars a month for a jail cell.