Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Public Service Announcement:

Brought to you by Kendall and Kaitlin's Kitchen (hahaha... no? Just me?).

Okay, people (read: men): NEWSFLASH:
Calling a girl you're interested in "buddy", "pal", or any other non-gender specific terms is WRONG. If you want in our pants (or, you know, our hearts) do not make us feel like the your friend's younger brother, who tags along with you and kinda annoys you, but mostly you secretly think he'd kinda be your ideal perfect son, if you ever get married, plus you always wanted a little brother, but no matter how much you begged your mom, she gave you two annoying little sisters who stunk up the house with Nair and nail polish, and so it's kinda cool showing a little kid around all the time, but it can get kinda annoying when you want to scam on chicks...

But I digress...

The point is, GENTLEMEN, it's a complete and total turn off, and has, on more than one occasion, made me lose interest in someone, just because they called me "pal", "buddy", "bud", "pally", or ANY OTHER VARIATION.

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