Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Somewhere, in a Distant Teepee, a Tribe is Doing a Raindance.

Greetings from Hell.

Okay, okay I'm exaggerating. Unless I was on another Caribbean cruise, because I totally went to Hell, Grand Cayman. But I digress.These might be the last words I ever write. Which is pathetic because they're awful and neither beautiful nor inspiring. Kind of they are boring.Which is a real shame.

The reason I'm going to die, you see, is because earlier Tuesday evening, the skies opened up and the heavens rained down and my shoes and jeggings got soaked. I protected my boho satchel and my choir music, but my poor, sweet Forever XXI flats might not make it. Fatality: 1

Since I was by the communications school, I ducked in to use one of the student computers and to wait for about an hour and a half until my screening. This seemed like a good plan until I discovered that it is approximately -7* in the comm school and therefore I no longer have soggy feet, but frozen, icy stumps.

And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. Other than that it's almost 1 a.m. and there are evil banshee women screaming outside. Maybe I really am in hell. Except not, because I'm pretty sure I'd be all on fire and all like afraid of Satan and stuff.

This is officially the worst post ever. Apparently the frigid a/c has frozen my brain as well. I hope you enjoyed my cookie post from yesterday. I'll see you guys upon the morrow. And by "see" I mean "write to and hope at least one of you answers."


Amber K. said...

There were times in college when I speculated if I was really in hell or not (not really, mostly in jest, but sort of, existentially). Particularly on the days when everything seemed to be going wrong. Really makes you think about how there's no good without bad, no black without white, that sort of thing. I'd start to wonder if hell was really like normal life, with occasional happiness and beauty just so that it could be taken away to make the hurt all that more real. You get a life and loved ones and dreams and hopes, but none of them are satisfying and it's all ultimately constant struggles, disappointments, heartbreak, and pain.

(I sound like such a downer lol)

Kaitlin said...

@Amber hahaha you have no clue how many weird or morbid things I think of. I just don't post them. Well, most of them. And I try not to think about hell too much because I was actually really afraid of going to hell when I was a kid. Like if I lied to my mom I'd start to cry and be like, "Am I going to hell?" My mom had to have many serious talks with me about why I wasn't going to hell. hahaha. I think some of that phobia is still with me. I don't like to imagine it in too much detail.