Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Curiouser and Curiouser

Today's post will be a random listing of oddities I observed in a time-span of approximately 30 minutes and 2 blocks. Mostly because this heat has rendered me lazy and uninspired (not that I'm complaining, mind you). And also because I, like most decent Americans, enjoy a good list.

1) Two women climbing out of a pick-up that were the QUEENS of Trailer Park, USA. They had the biggest, most peroxide-laden hair I've seen outside of television and the 80s. One had on a bright turquoise jumpsuit, a gold lamé purse and matching turquoise and gold bangles. And turquoise eyeshadow, of course. I initially thought this woman's hair was a wig.
It looked like this:

Except it was the distinct color of bottled Malfoy hair.

2) I was eating a delicious breakfast croissant at Jack in the Box and I watched as one by one, a small congregation of Latina women and their toddlers gathered. Not so strange. What offended my sensibilities, however, is the language one of the women was using. Multiple f-bombs, sh!ts, etc. were said in front of (and to!) children ages 2-4.

I accidentally made eye contact with one of them (they were across the restaurant, by the way, and I still heard every word) so I left.

3) At 7/11 I saw the new issue of Glamour. Scarlett Johansson is on the cover. She is not wearing pants. I find not wearing pants to be many things, but glamorous is not one of them.


Anonymous said...

Ya, maybe not glamorous, but HOTT!! It's Scarlett Johansson, come on now.

Kaitlin said...

Check your reading glasses, dear. I never said it wasn't hot, I said it wasn't glamorous.

kathryn said...

Wow! Quite the morning, missy! I'll bet that was a wig....and it was dyed....the scariest thing is that you know those women thought they were HOT.
As for the F-ing mom and her kids...well, we know how they'll turn out.


Kaitlin said...

Oh they DEFINITELY thought the world revolved around them. I could tell by the fact that small planets were in orbit around her hair how she could make that mistake. I mean, when your hair is big enough to have its own gravitational pull, it's hard not to be a little bit conceited. :)

Chelsea said...

LOL your comment above was hilarious.. I might have to steal that graviatational pull line.

Parents these days and their mouths.. shame.. no wonder the world is slowly starting to suck even more.. or is maybe just the people in it!