Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life(time Movie)

Pros of Today: CHEESY Lifetime Movies, It's a Wonderful Life, Cinnasticks, and the soon-to-be enjoyment that is SNL (hosted by Hugh Laurie with musical guest, my african brother Kayne!)

Cons of Today: Studying... boooooo... Couldn't use my favorite mug for my coffee breaks because it was in the dishwasher... boooooo... I'm sore as $%^... boooooo.

But the pros by far outweigh the cons. Anyways, I teared up during all of the lame/wonderful movies I watched today. Which makes me feel AWESOME. haha

Did I ever mention how much of a loser I've become? I realize that studying for finals is a valid excuse... but still. I feel like I've fallen off the face of the Earth. I am floating in the nebulous, caramel-y center of the Milky Way, pondering the meaning of life, the things Jimmy Stewart does to my heart...

But I still feel like a super loser. But oh well. I learned my lesson from the holiday movies: Don't take anyone for granted. Some people in my life should maybe get a refresher in that course, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. :/

But enough melancholy emo. Let's party! And by party, of course, I mean study. And in closing, I'd like to congratulate Amy Poehler on a job well done. SNL won't be the same without you.

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