Monday, September 7, 2009


Alright, so I'm not bankrupt. And if I were and wished to declare it, yelling it wouldn't accomplish anything; something I learned from Michael Scott, Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin: Scranton. (AKA The Office for anyone out there with a life.) I'm actually quite far from bankruptcy. Well, as far as the next college student, anyway. I'm just slowly (okay, one Target trip at a time) working my way through my savings and that makes me nervous. Mostly because then I won't have enough money to splurge on the Day After Thanksgiving sales racks... but I digress.

I have come to the conclusion that I should get a job. I have also come to the conclusion that I'm taking 13 hours of upper division coursework and have a @#$^-ton of reading to complete on any given day. And so I've been spending my time (instead of studying or interviewing for an actual job, of course) researching "Get Rich Quick" scams. And alas, they are almost all scams. And by almost all I mean every last one of them. EXCEPT for the Amazon Mechanical Turk program, where I can do simple, menial tasks and get paid $0.05 and up! Please, hold your applause. I'm not six years old. $0.05 is only half as exciting as it was when I was six. Although, let's be honest here, when I was six I thought a penny was the most valuable coin because it was the closest to gold and it was bigger than the dime...

*Tangent: Skip ahead if you don't care to read my thoughts on American coinage.
What the heck is up with our coins? One copper coin and three (minus specialty pieces like the fidycent piece or the silver dollar)sliver ones. Being over the age of six, I can understand that copper is less valuable than silver. And in a similar vein, I could understand if the copper coin was bigger than the closest valued silver coin, because you could (excuse the expression) get more bang for your buck with copper. BUT I cannot, will not, should not have to understand and accept why the second biggest coin in our money system is the nickel which is the second smallest in monetary value. Why waste the silver on a 5 cent piece? I don't understand! Simply switch the dime and the nickel sizes and my life would be that much more complete. WHO MADE THIS DECISION?!?????

End Tangent.*

Anyways, when all my "Work from Home and be a Pajama Kabajillionaire!" schemes proved to be just schemes, I turned my sights on good, honest work: Nannying. I registered with several Nanny agencies only to begin filling out my profile and get to a section that said "List your most recent 3 professional childcare experiences". This proved a problem since I've only done light babysitting and helped to raise my brother. And then I would get angry because #1) You couldn't have told me I'd need references IN THE BEGINNING and #2) How the heck am I supposed to break into the Nannying industry? and #3) Why, o why, am I trying to break into the Nannying industry?

And so here I sit, jobless, watching The Golden Girls which, quite honestly, is not a poor existence... for a ninety-year-old great-grandmother. So I've decided to put myself on a budget. Confessions of a Shopaholic-style. Except for my wardrobe has a lot more Target Brand and a lot less Fendi.

And there lies my new project: Healthy, happy living on a budget. And for day one, I went to Target and promptly bought a $30.00 dress...

Well, here's to tomorrow: May my mistakes not repeat themselves!

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