Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Have Guacamole in my Hair (And other classy situations!)

I have been on a mexican food kick recently and today was no exception. I skipped a class (for shame!) to write a paper that was due and instead of maximizing the 1 and 1/2 hours I had to write, I got on facebook and read blogs and messed around until I had 45 minutes left to write 2 pages.

And then I made nachos. And then I had about 30 minutes to write my paper and eat a steaming plate of nachos. I tried to do both at once... in my bed. This resulted in the most crumb-covered sheets you've ever seen and me getting guacamole in my hair (which I found in class...) and sour cream on my shirt. I am nothing if not a classy, dignified lady with perfect time management skills.

And I forgot to mention last night/this morning one of the most annoying things about THE WORST UMBRELLA IN THE WORLD (Oh, yes, there's more. Just when you thought I'd never bore you again, I bring it back into the spotlight. This is the gift that keeps on giving, my friends). When the umbrella becomes annoyed with staying in the traditional right-side-out position, it catches every single bit of wind and tries to turn inside out. I am diligent in fighting this umbrella urge and 14/15 times I prevent it from turning inside out. But in the prevention, the umbrealla SNAPS back into position, thusly flicking water at my face. Every. Time.

I hate that umbrella. And that my hair smells like Los Cucos.

1 comment:

kathryn said...

Ha! So, you were supposed to be writing a paper and you were commenting on my blog? Naughty girl. Thanks, tho for the follow!