Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Sincere Apology

Dear September,

I'm sorry if I've offended you.

If you feel like being November, you go ahead and be November.

If you feel like being April... Don't.

xoxo, Kaitlin

Now that that's taken care of, I'd like to share with you the concluding chapter of THE CURSE OF THE WORLD'S WORST UMBRELLA!!! (I know, you're only excited because I said this was the conclusion.)

Friday morning, after sleeping in and eating breakfast I decided that after my workout I would go sell back some of my old textbooks. So I packed up my huge biology book and two others I would never use again and set out for the gym. The books were really heavy and slowed my pace somewhat, but I was still making good time, despite the fact that my feet were hurting due to the fact that my crappy tennis shoes give me little to no arch support.

Anyways, I was walking along when a wayward wind or maybe the CURSE of my umbrella caused me to step off of the sidewalk. My will was strong, however, and I fought valiantly, therefore causing only half of my foot to fall on the grass. That caused the awkward ankle-wobble maneuver that toddlers and inexperienced girls walking in heels do often.

The ankle-wobble was fine. I caught myself and pulled myself upright with dexterity that was frankly quite ninja-esque. What I didn't count on was the 90 lbs of books in my backpack that would take me down with them as they gained momentum. In a flash I was on the ground, half of me in the soft grass, the other half splayed on the cobblestone sidewalk (OF DOOM).

I looked down and noticed that there was a chunk of my hand missing that was roughly the size of one of our miniature cobblestones as well as a tiny chunk of my thumb that had been scraped away. Both began to bleed. I then noticed that my knee was stinging really bad, but by that point I had been sitting in the grass, staring at my hands for about 10 seconds, watched the whole time by a nearby construction worker.

So I got up and continued walking to the gym, bleeding more and more. When I got there, I showed my injuries to my trainer, H, and she was prepared with bandaids. She took me into the bathroom and cleaned me up (further solidifying the fact that I was 5) and we went on with our workout.

Problem solved... Not. My knee? Is ugly. It's so bad, There is a bruise roughly the size of a softball and in the middle of that softball is another missing chunk of my body that is lying somewhere on the cobblestone sidewalk. I took pictures of my injuries, but when I showed my best friend my injuries via video-chat, he practically cried at how gross and hideous they are. Therefore I will not be posting pictures, but have them on-hand incase Christian Hill calls me and tells me I can sue the school.

Saturday dawned a much happier (if hotter) day, and with I slight limp I set out for today's adventures. In a nutshell (or in a blog), today could be summarized as: Went shopping with Rebekah. Ate lunch with Rebekah. Went shopping with Kathryn, Ate dinner with Kathryn.

But of course other things happened, which I will elaboratie upon later. Right now I'm going to limp to bed, slather on some neosporin and try not to let the covers touch the raw, sensitive skin of my chunked knee.

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