Friday, August 15, 2008

I Crack Myself UP!!!!!

So today is my last day of work. Thusly, I am not in the mood to work, nor is anyone making me/ expecting me to work. Thusly I went through some old emails in my mailbox. And I found the beginnings of a script I had COMPLETELY forgotten about... which is odd, as I LOVE(D) this one, and was uber excited about it... Anyway, now I have to decide what to write this year at school, as my goal is to complete and start trying to sell a script. Here are my options: (some of you will not have a clue to any of these, some of you I've told... whatever, this list is really for me, anyways)

1. Public Eye
2. Anabelle Gregory
3. Untitled Civil War Drama
4. Untitled Character Study of a Coffee Addict
5. High Education
6. Untitled Drama Dealing with the Relationship Between Sisters.
7. The Adaptation of My Short Story Stale Breadcrumbs

Sooooo... what to do, what to do? I've so many ideas!!! ick. Anyways, to clue you in on what I'm talking about... allow me to offer you this, the opening line of the kick-a script I found buried in Yahoo!

Public Eye
By: Kaitlin Wehlmann

Things weren’t always bad with the missus. She used to bake me apple pie once upon a time. And then the twice-a-week charge at a local pie diner showed up on our credit card bill, and that was okay, too. To be honest, their pie was better, and I wasn’t going to let a little thing like marital bliss stand in the way of the perfect fusion of apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Susie always put too many cloves.

HAHAHAHA Seeeeeeeeeeee? Isn't that HILARIOUS?!?!???? no? just me? Oh well. I still love it and apologize for forgetting its existence.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm Ready!!

So I was packing/ cleaning my room (shocker, I know) and I started to rearrange (...dump into a pile on my bed...) the stuff from my bathroom last year, namely some old perfumes, some vitamins, bandaids, etc. And as I got a whiff of my perfume... memories, sweet memories, came washing over me. It's odd how something like a smell or a color can take you back. I immediately went back to fall, when the air was crisp, when I was happy. when things were right. And I wasn't sad that things weren't that way anymore; I was happy that things would soon be that way again. I guess that's the thing about being a tireless optimist: when other people would be lost in nostalgia, I can see the future and take joy in its nearness and its newness.

So here's to your future happiness, my friends; whether you can see it or not.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Happy day that will only come once every 100 years!!!!

Hope it was great! may we all see 08/08/2108... well the ones of us I like, anyway.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Public Service Announcement:

Brought to you by Kendall and Kaitlin's Kitchen (hahaha... no? Just me?).

Okay, people (read: men): NEWSFLASH:
Calling a girl you're interested in "buddy", "pal", or any other non-gender specific terms is WRONG. If you want in our pants (or, you know, our hearts) do not make us feel like the your friend's younger brother, who tags along with you and kinda annoys you, but mostly you secretly think he'd kinda be your ideal perfect son, if you ever get married, plus you always wanted a little brother, but no matter how much you begged your mom, she gave you two annoying little sisters who stunk up the house with Nair and nail polish, and so it's kinda cool showing a little kid around all the time, but it can get kinda annoying when you want to scam on chicks...

But I digress...

The point is, GENTLEMEN, it's a complete and total turn off, and has, on more than one occasion, made me lose interest in someone, just because they called me "pal", "buddy", "bud", "pally", or ANY OTHER VARIATION.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Carpe Quesadilla Maker

OHwa. MYee. GAWD. (Chandler Bing! hahahahaha)

This weekend was CRASY! And no, actually, I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet, because Kendall and I were to busy buying EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY ITEM WE COULD EVER NEED for da 'partment. And it was fuuuuuun. And we didn't even get that ridiculous with our purchases and guess what? Our apartment is going to be beautiful! I will so totally love it there and will NOT be creatively stifled, as per the dorm room (box of death). Mayhaps I will accomplish one of my goals of completing and selling a script this year... that'd be greeeeeeat. Altso, maybe it will be better for me to study in. Plusssss: KITCHEN!!! I can not even begin to address how friggin' excited I am for the kitch!!! AHHHHHHHHH and the biggest plus of apartment life? Drumroll, please...


If you live in Austin, or can make the trek, you can request to visit us and we may or may not throw you a dinner party.

I think that this year, I'm always going to be in the best mood imaginable. :D :D